A bridge between the earth and the moon / Hisaeda

| 1.タイトルイメージ | 2.問題点 | 3.解決イメージ | 4.問題同士の関係 |
| 5.Newコンセプト1/2 | 6.機能構成1 /2 /3 /4 | 7.スケッチ
(Netscape6でご覧の方はこちら→) |
| 8.評価データ集計 | 9.アニメーション | 10.最終提案 |


It is no longer a dream that human being can dwell at the moon.
If it is something like that, we need the easy method of coming and going.
I want to propose the two-way connection.

 Updated 2000/09/28


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