What's New

Full Renewal of Top Page! [2010/09/17]
Since the launch of the English site of The Moon Station, 2001/08/30, we have not made any changes in design of this site. The days passed and situation changed.
Today, we renewed the top page and this "What's New" page. In this brand-new design, the base of the page was refreshed into white-based which allows users to watch the page easier with less eye fatigue.
Also, this page, "What's New", will be the template of the English version of The Moon Station. As our human resource is so small that we cannot make site renewal at one time, we will change the page in one-by-one basis.
We hope the English version, as well as Japanese version which has nearly 3000 pages, will grow in accordance with advancement of Japanese and global lunar exploration boom.
And we all thank you for your restless support of this site.

Domain Name Changed [2010/05/10]
Our domain name changed to "moonstation.jp" from "moon.jaxa.jp", sub-domain of JAXA. This change is due to the change of the governing structure. The site has been without budgetary support from JAXA for several years, despite of the domain name including jaxa.jp. According this change, The Moon Station will make re-starting as independent site for promoting Japanese and global lunar and planetary exploration.
Please see the explanation page for detailed information including URL changing manners.