Today's Moon Virtual lunar development project That's SELENE Japan's lunar exploration

DOTToday's Moon

Events at the moon age 28 day

Picture of Moon (Small)

Jun 21, 1990 50,000 were killed in earthquake in Iran.
May 4, 1989 U.S.A. launched the Venus explorer Magellan, which covered about 98% of Venus surface with camera and made a map of the planet.
Dec 7, 1988 Earthquake in Armenia, USSR
Jul 14, 1977 Japan launched its first geostationary meteorological satellite Himawari 1.
Feb 16, 1977 Tsuneo Hasegawa became the first Japanese mountaineer to succeed in a solo climbing of the North Face of the Matterhorn in winter.
Aug 30, 1970 Naomi Uemura reached the summit of McKinley, Alaska all by himself. He achieved, at the same time, a world record of conquering highest summits of the five continents.
Jan 16, 1969 Soviet Soyuz 4 and 5 succeeded in the world's first attempt of docking manned spaceships.
Aug 20, 1960 USSR succeeded in recovery of satellite, and the Laika dog returned to the earth.
May 24, 1960 Earthquake in Chile caused a tsunami to hit Japanese coast.
Nov 10, 1958 Great eruption of Mt. Asama, Japan
Jul 25, 1957 475 died and 489 were lost in the flood covered the western part of Kyushu, Japan.
Sep 26, 1954 1,155 were drowned or lost in the accident of Toyamaru (a ferry to connect the Main Island of Japan and Hokkaido).
Sep 26, 1954 Big fire in Iwanai-cho, Hokkaido
Sep 17, 1952 A submarine eruption created a reef named "Myoujinshou" on the south of Hachijojima Island, Japan.
Jun 3, 1951 NHK (Japan Broadcasting Corporation) experimented Japan's first live TV broadcasting.
Aug 15, 1947 The independence of India
Dec 12, 1936 Sian incident in China. Chiang Kaishek was imprisoned.
May 4, 1913 The first victim of a civilian plane crash.
Aug 14, 1909 Earthquake in Kounou region in the central part of Japan
Jul 30, 1905 Albert Einstein released the "theory of special relativity".
Dec 17, 1903 Wright brothers succeeded in the first flight of their airplane.